Lab News
Julie receives a Research Scholarship
Julie is a recipient of the Margaret Ware Scholarship for Nutritional Sciences Excellence in Undergraduate Research. The scholarship will support her research in our lab this summer. Congrats to Julie (and a nice picture)!
Julie is now a NUSC student, TOO!
Julie now officially majors in Nutritional Sciences, in addition to her original major, Molecular & Cell Biology, pursuing a dual degree. Looking forward to her research project for Honors Thesis boosted by her knowledge and passion for both fields!
Welcome Suyun, the Lab’s first PhD student!
Suyun Choi, MS, from Korea has joined the lab as a NUSC PhD student this spring. Now we know Choi is a very common surname in Korea. To label her pipettes and sample tubes, SUyun needs to come up with her “own” initials – SC is already taken!
Welcome Adrian!
Adrian Tam has joined the team as our second MCB undergrad student earning Independent Research credits. Besides molecular cloning, he will learn tips for a more exciting life at Yonsei University (my alma mater) where he will go as an exchange student next semester.
Awarded NUSC Pilot Study Grant!
So excited and grateful to announce our first grant award! This department grant will support the lab’s exploratory and promising research on zinc nutrition which will build the foundation of our federal grant next year.
Welcome Julie!
Julie Kantner is the FIRST student member, joining Sangyong, in the ChoiS lab. As an undergraduate student in Molecular & Cell Biology, she is minoring in NUSC. She will conduct experiments in the lab, earning Independent Research credits.
Here I come!
Sangyong made a visit to NUSC’s main office at Jones to prepare for his journey as AP and PI at UConn. It was his second visit to campus since the on-site interview in February. Grabbing a box full of keys, masks, and hand sanitizers from the office, he finally opened the doors to his office, lab, and life at UConn!